Aspiring law students should understand what law schools are and whether you really fancy a legal career. If you have decided about your career aspirations, selecting and getting accepted into the right law school, remains. Don’t opt solely on the basis of a school’s reputation and rank.
Is This Right Law School For You? Deciding Factors
As a possible student, evaluating law schools is essential. Having selected which law school to attend, getting admission into that law school remains. Law school admission officers evaluate you on factors they consider relevant. To practice law, you must graduate from an ABA-approved law school, pass the state’s bar examination, besides demonstrating high ethical standards. The ABA (American Bar Association), a national association for lawyers, accredits law schools based on a quality legal study program. Attending an accredited law school enhances chances of access into the legal profession, with better chances of passing a state’s bar exam. There are 202 ABA-approved law schools in USA for you to select the “right” law school for you.
If applying to the top ten schools, the choice of location is unimportant. But, if the location of the law school is important, aim for a school in the area you intend to pursue a legal career. This opens job offers and helps develop contacts in the area that are instrumental in helping you to practise.
Admission Councils and Services
The LSAC supervises law school admission procedures. If LSDAS has your transcripts prior to summarization of undergraduate work, copies are sent to appropriate law schools. The LSDAS subscription fee, based on the number of schools designated by you, is effective for one year but can be renewed. Do register with LSDAS when you take the LSAT exam and submit law school applications to avoid payment of second fees.
Law School Catalogs:
Consult comprehensive law school catalogs about requirements, courses offered, and relevant information in your college library. Law schools prepare catalogs to attract students, so read very carefully. Electives appearing in the catalog may be offered sporadically or if demand exists. It is better to be inquisitive from the start and be fully informed than to get admission and face unpleasant surprises.
Application Fees:
While applying for admission, prospective students must pay non-refundable application fees, and depending on the number of schools applied, this adds to costs. Therefore, applications should be focused on schools where G.P.A./LSAT index matches the school’s profile to maximize acceptance chances for one school.
Tuition and Fees:
Tuition and fee vary widely, but students pay more at national schools than in state schools. However, the chance for employment after graduating from a nationally well-known law school will more than compensate for this difference. Take care not to eliminate schools based on their tuition costs. Some law schools that charge lower tuition fees may be more expensive as they provide few scholarships, and grants.
Remember this choice of law school has to be endured for three years or more, so be careful and judicious.